June 2024:
The United Arab Emirates is blessed with access two significant bodies of water, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, playing crucial roles in the region's ecology and economy.
The Persian Gulf is situated between Iran to the northeast and the Arabian Peninsula to the southwest. Its warm waters, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 32°C, support a diverse marine ecosystem. Coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses thrive here, providing habitats for various species. Notable fauna include the dugong, hawksbill turtles, and a multitude of fish species such as the barracuda and groupers. The Gulf is also home to rich deposits of oil, making it economically vital.
To the southeast, the Gulf of Oman connects the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea. It borders Oman and Iran and is characterized by slightly cooler water temperatures, generally between 22°C to 30°C. The Gulf of Oman supports a similarly rich marine biodiversity, with its waters teeming with species like the Arabian humpback whale, dolphins, and various shark species. The coastline is lined with mangroves and seaweed beds, which serve as crucial breeding grounds for marine life.
Both gulfs are crucial for regional biodiversity; their unique ecosystems and warm waters make them captivating subjects for ecological study and conservation efforts. My fascination grew after two trips to Musandam, where these gulfs converge with the DNHG, particularly in observing the reproduction strategies of two species: the clownfish and the sea salp.
I- Clownfish and sequential hermaphroditism

, famous for their symbiotic relationship with sea anemones, exhibit fascinating reproductive behaviors. These vibrant fish are protandrous hermaphrodites, meaning they are born male and can later change to female a type of sequential hermaphrodism. In a typical clownfish group, the dominant female is the largest fish, and the next largest is the breeding male, while the rest are smaller, non-breeding males. This group typically lives in a territory consisting of a single sea anemone, which provides protection and habitat.
Reproduction begins with the selection of a suitable nesting site, usually on a flat surface close to the sea anemone they inhabit. The breeding male meticulously cleans the site in preparation for the eggs. During the spawning process, the female lays hundreds to thousands of eggs, which the male then fertilizes externally.
After fertilization, the male takes on the primary role of guarding and caring for the eggs. He fans the eggs with his fins to ensure they receive enough oxygen and removes any debris or unfertilized eggs. The incubation period lasts about 6-10 days, depending on water temperature.
Once hatched, the larvae are planktonic, drifting in the open ocean for about 8-12 days before settling down and seeking out a host anemone. This reproductive strategy, along with their unique lifecycle and social structure, makes clownfish a subject of great interest in marine biology.
When the dominant female dies, a remarkable transformation occurs. The breeding male changes sex and becomes the new dominant female, the sex change seems to be controlled socially, i.e. male does not change sex when attaining a certain size, but only after the female disappearance (1). The largest of the non-breeding males then matures into the new breeding male. 
The sex transformation happens in two steps (2) :
- First, changes in gene expression occur in the male brain two weeks after the female disappears. These changes take about 30 days to complete. Interestingly, there's no initial change in the male's reproductive organs (gonads). The fish might be waiting to confirm the female's absence is permanent. This delay could be a way to avoid the costly (time and energy) process of sex change if the female returns. 
- Secondly, these brain changes trigger a hormonal signal, likely through a pathway involving the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and finally the gonads. This hormonal message instructs the gonads to break down the testicular tissue and develop an ovary, completing the sex change.
Clownfish maximize reproductive potential and social stability by changing sex (3). They start as males, avoiding the high energy cost of egg production while growing. Once large enough, they become females, handling reproduction. This strategy ensures efficient resource use within their anemone territory and reduces competition. When the dominant female dies, the breeding male quickly changes sex to replace her, ensuring continuous reproduction and maintaining group cohesion. This rapid adaptation enhances their survival and reproductive success.
Skunk clownfish - Amphiprion akallopisos, Tanzania
Skunk clownfish - Amphiprion akallopisos, Tanzania
Clark's anemonefish - Amphiprion clarkii, Musandam
Clark's anemonefish - Amphiprion clarkii, Musandam
II- Sea Salps, from cloning to sequential hermaphroditism
Sea salps, gelatinous marine animals resembling transparent barrels, have a fascinating and complex reproductive strategy involving both asexual and sexual (protogynous (i.e. sequential) hermaphroditic) phases (4). These tunicates can form massive colonies, drifting through the ocean and playing a crucial role in marine ecosystems.
The life cycle of sea salps alternates between solitary and aggregate forms. In the solitary phase, known as the oozoid, the salp reproduces asexually through budding. This budding process produces a chain of individuals called blastozooids. These chains, sometimes comprising hundreds of individuals, remain connected and move as a single unit. This aggregate form can help the salps more effectively feed on phytoplankton by increasing their filtering capacity.
In the aggregate form, sea salps reproduce sexually. Each individual in the chain starts as a female, producing eggs. Once the eggs are fertilized by sperm from another salp, the individuals later transition to males, releasing sperm to fertilize other salps’ eggs. This hermaphroditic approach ensures genetic diversity and increases the likelihood of successful fertilization.
Sea salps’ dual reproductive strategies enable them to rapidly exploit favorable environmental conditions, leading to population booms. Their ability to filter large volumes of water also makes them important players in carbon cycling, as they can transport carbon to deeper ocean layers when they die and sink.

Sea Salps' cycle

Sea Salp - blastozooids phase, Musandam

(1) Moyer, J. T. & Nakazono, A. Protandeous Hermaphroditism in Six Species of the Anemonefish Genus Amphiprion in Japan. Japhanese J. Ichthyol. 25, 101–106 (1978)
(2) Casas, L. et al. Sex Change in Clownfish: Molecular Insights from Transcriptome Analysis. Sci. Rep. 6, 35461; doi: 10.1038/srep35461 (2016).
(3) Sadovy de Micheson, Y. & Liu, M. Functional hermaphroditism in teleosts. Fish Fish. 9, 1–43 (2008).
(4) Loeb, V. et al. Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food web. Nature 387, 897–900 (1997).

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